Saturday, February 20, 2010

I like to pretend I'm Buddy The Elf...even when it isn't Christmas

I will admittedly say these photos are long over due and largely because of my technology ignorance haha. But I finally found a card reader for my digital camera so I can finally share some of my winter break memories with everyone.

It was quite the whirlwind vacation but I'm blessed and humbled constantly to have the opportunities I do.

One of the first stops when I got back was a reception for the new United States Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin. The reception was held at Alexis Herman, former secretary of labor, home. Ms. Herman, as I affectionately call her Auntie Lexis, has been a family friend since before I was born. I was able to sit down and talk with Dr. Dorothy Height, and former US Surgeon General Louis Sullivan. All were able to give me insight on my platform, and things a could do to make a difference around the area.
(Dr. Height is holding a greeting card that Hallmark came out with recently for Black History Month, and my father and The Little Rock Nine were one of the subjects.)
Attending the reception quickly turned in to a fuss-fest over my new accomplishment. Almost everyone in that room had watched me grow up. It was a little overwhelming to have so many powerful people, many from the Clinton Administration, make a big deal over me becoming Miss DC, haha. But it takes moments like that to bring you back to how impressive the accomplishment is, and that it is something that I should always be proud of.

The next stop was Dr. Lawrence Singer's office for a smile consultation. But it quickly turned into a beauty queen bonanza. Myself, Nicole White, and Omarosa Manigault (who is a big supporter of the Miss DC USA organization) were all there to see Dr. Singer.
The local ABC affiliate was also at the Doctor's office filming the procedures for a health/dental segment they would run.
Let me just say it was difficult looking glamorous sedated (because I had to get dental surgery), prodded and with cotton balls jammed in my mouth...but a beauty queen has gotta do, what a beauty queen has gotta do.

Mommy and I caught the train to New York City the next day for a meeting with my personal trainer, a makeup lesson, and of course shopping. And I was amazed I got through the trip (and a workout) after almost 2 hours of dental surgery, but I made it, just not with my usual giant smile.
But the best part was staying at The Palace Hotel with a gorgeous view of St. Patrick's Cathedral right outside the window.
New York is such a beautiful city...not as great as DC...but no place is that perfect :-)

I had the opportunity once I returned home to go to a dinner reception for BET Honors held by Debra Lee.
I went with my mom as my date. Apparently Whitney Houston, Diddy, Queen Latifah, and all the other celebs weren't nearly as interesting to my mom as the man in the skirt lol! The gentleman told us it was a Samurai wrap...but my mom still stands by it being a floor-length skirt.

It was an incredible, exhausting, and fun break. Aside from all of the appearances and traveling I did get to spend time with my recently widowed aunt, cousin, and my grandmother.

Taking it back to my family kept me grounded from beginning to end. And I am truly blessed to have a family that always keeps me humble and authentically MacKenzie.


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