Thursday, October 2, 2014

Apologizes, Updates, and Where the ^@*#) Have I Been

Hello Loves!
(I hope you were reading that with the same British accent I had when I wrote it)
I have been a bit MIA from my formerly consistent posting.  I wanted to give y'all a bit of an update before you wonder if I fell down a dark blogging hole again.
Remember a little while back when I said I went to a meeting, it was my blue suede shoes post.  Well I had a meeting for an internship with an e-commerce app start up based here in DC.  I decided before school starts, I mean business school obvi, I wanted to get some much needed experience in my desired field.  I want to get in to integrated marketing in media, entertainment, or technology.  A local startup seemed like the perfect place.


When I say start up I mean the THREE, one, two, three, of us are in here doing EVERYTHING.  It's amazing, challenging, overwhelming, and an incredible learning experience that I gain something new every day from.
So what do I do you ask...well...
  • Handle out packing and shipping logistics
  • SEO and CRM for social strategy
  • Run our various social media platforms
  • Write for our soon to launch tumblr page
  • Check backend issues on the app
  • Flight test the app
  • Social media analytics
  • Fold tissue paper
...that last one isn't nearly as glamorous, but I get it done.

So there you have it, a short and sweet neat little update about what I've been up to.  Now for the apology. I'm going to start making an effort to schedule my posts over the weekend, so that the blog doesn't suffer, and I don't lose additional sleep worrying about all you lovelies not hearing/seeing my ramblings.

I've been sick the last few days, so be ready for various posts about all the juicing, vegan eating, and attempting to work while juggling it all.  Also, I'm 5 apps submitted in my 9 first round schools, so I'm sure (praying) that this month will have lots of interview prep, interview outfit, and (fingers crossed) what to do when you get accepted posts.

In the mean time, feel free to follow the work I'm doing with Nicely at:

And if you live in the DC area, feel free to sign up at And who knows, your gift might just be personally delivered by yours truly(#internlife)


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